Your specialist in industrial maintenance and professional hygiene
At ORAPI CANADA, we solve your problems.
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Whether you want to De-seize , Clean , Lubricate , Assemble or Protect , we can provide you with a suitable solution.
The only aerosol manufacturer in Quebec, we benefit from all the expertise of the ORAPI group.
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For 40 years, we have dedicated all our energy and skills to our business: Upkeep and Maintenance.
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Whether RELEASALL TARGET , ORAPI or CHEMJAY , our brands will bring you exceptional satisfaction.

The ORAPI group
For 45 years, ORAPI has focused on its 2 businesses: professional hygiene and industrial maintenance .
With ethics and responsibility, ORAPI responds to the needs of users around the world with technical solutions that integrate customers' business constraints.
Present on 5 continents and in more than 100 countries, ORAPI markets its products through a network of distributors, but above all through its 32 subsidiaries.

International influence
• 3 research laboratories around the world
• 7 factories worldwide including 2 in France
• Present in 100 countries
• More than 2 million user customers worldwide
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
• Around 1,200 employees and 30 nationalities
• 2020 turnover: € 267.5M ($ 405M)
• 10 international brands
• A Group listed on NYSE EURONEXT since 2000
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.